Retail Returns

Divvy processes thousands of items annually that have been returned at retail locations across the country. These products are shipped to our factory and processed so that credit can be issued to the retailer. Our team inspects and sorts returned items that are incomplete, invalid, damaged, or have been returned with fraudulent intent. Furthermore, our team photographs and documents any product that is returned with an issue.

scanning received items from retailers

scanning received items from retailers

End-User Returns

Our factory is capable of handling individual end-user returns for companies that do not possess the capability to do so on their own, or for companies that may need a more geographically strategic returns processing center to reduce product transportation costs. Divvy can provide customers with return packing and shipping materials, as well as return shipping at very favorable rates. All products are inspected and sorted by model number upon return to ensure efficient refurbishment for resale.

returning items for warranty replacement

returning items for warranty replacement